Janet Bass
8:30 AM
My home is England. I have lived in the US (Utah, Colorado, Texas,
and now Wyoming) more than half my life. Other places I have lived are the
Island of Cyprus and Libya. I was a late bloomer returning to school in my
mid-30s – U of Wyoming MA Ed.; U of Houston BA Journalism; Arapahoe Community
College AA Business. Retired educator/administrator U of Wyoming. Without my husband, Del's, whole-hearted support I could not have reached these
milestones. He was always there to listen, especially when I wavered.
I joined the AAUW Scottsbluff branch about seven years ago, where
I continue as a member, but more recently joined the newly-formed AAUW
Torrington-Wheatland branch. I enjoy the camaraderie of the women together with
our male members. I enjoy meeting women from different professional backgrounds
and I hope in our small ways we are making a difference in women's lives as
they move forward in their chosen careers.
I maintain a home in the Roman City of Bath, England, and usually
spend several weeks there during the summer catching up with friends as well as
house maintenance. For about three months each winter my husband and I spend
time there together. Our son Thomas and his family live in Budapest, Hungary,
so the UK is a good middle-ground place to meet. This photograph was taken in
January outside the Maritime Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
Other than maintaining my English roots, my interests include
travel, film, reading, walking, Elevenses (morning coffee) with friends, food,
and wine.