Community Outreach: Snack Sacks

11:24 AM

Did you know that we have students who go hungry while attending classes at Eastern Wyoming College? Although there are many wonderful services available to help these students and their families often times they have to wait a minimum of three days before the services kick into effect. That's three days without something to eat.

To help quiet the rumble in their stomachs the Torrington-Wheatland AAUW Branch decided to take on a community outreach project which aims to assist in relieving those hungry stomachs with snack sacks! These bags are loaded with soups, crackers, and snacks and handed over to the EWC Counseling Office for students to take home with them as needed.

This community service opportunity was brought to our attention by President Day after she had a conversation with EWC's counselor and our branch's Partner-Member, Michelle Ogburn.

If you would like to donate non-perishable foodstuffs to the cause, please email

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